This is a draft of a list of Waterloo faculty in cognitive science, the interdisciplinary study of mind and intelligence. This list includes people who work in one of the fields of cognitive science (psychology, neuroscience, computational intelligence, anthropology, linguistics, philosophy) and have interests in one or more of the other fields. Also welcome are suggestions about additional people to add, and revisions to the descriptions of research interests and methods.
As of Sept. 1, 2016, the adviser for the UW undergraduate and graduate programs is Steve Weinstein:
Name (click for Web page) | Department | Research Interests | Methods |
Anderson, Britt | Psychology | spatial attention, brain injuries | behavioral experiments, mathematical models |
Barrickman, Nancy | Anthropology | human and primate evolution, cultural behavior | primate ecology, behavioral observation |
Basir, Otman | Electrical and Computer Engineering | intelligent systems | computer models |
Ben-David, Shai | Computer Science | machine learning | computer models, mathematical models |
Berry, Daniel | Computer Science | requirements engineering, requirements elicitation | case studies, controlled experiments |
Burns, Catherine | Systems Design Engineering | interface design | case studies |
Cohen, Robin | Computer Science | artificial intelligent, multiagent systems | computer models |
Cozzarin, Brian | Management Sciences | innovation - its creation, adoption and diffusion within/by firms and individuals | agent-based simulation, statistical methods |
Damen, Oussama | Electrical and Computer Engineering | wireless communication, information theory, cooperative communications | mathematical analysis, computer simulations |
Dankert, James | Psychology | human neuropsychology, especially effects of brain lesions | behavioral experiments, brain imaging |
Denison, Stephanie | Psychology | domain-general learning mechanisms in infants and children | behavioural experiments and mathematical models |
Di Marco, Chrysanne | Computer Science | computational linguistics | computer models |
Dixon, Mike | Psychology | synesthesia, gambling behavior | behavioral experiments |
Eliasmith, Chris | Philosophy, Systems Design Engineering | theoretical neuroscience, philosophy of mind | computer models, mathematical analysis |
Friedman, Ori | Psychology | children's social reasoning | behavioral experiments |
Fugelsang, Jonathan | Psychology | decision making, causal reasoning | behavioral experiments, brain imaging |
Grossman, Igor | Psychology | emotion, social cognition, wisdom, culture, life-span development | behavioral experiments, ethnographic studies, computer-assisted content analysis |
English | cognitive linguistics, rhetoric, and poetics | rhetorical analysis, case studies | |
Henderson, Heather | Psychology | child temperament and self-regulation | individual and dyadic observations; EEG/ERP |
Histon, Jonathan | Systems Design Engineering | decision making, complexity | case studies, behavioral experiments, ethnographic studies |
Hoey, Jesse | Computer Science | artificial intelligence, assistive technologies, human computer interaction | computer models, case studies |
Homer-Dixon, Tad | Balsillie School of International Affairs | social adaptation | case studies |
Kamel, Mohamed | Electrical and Computer Engineering | cooperative intelligent systems | computer models |
Karray, Fakhri | Electrical and Computer Engineering | intelligent systems, cognitive robotics | computer models |
Kulić, Dana | Electrical and Computer Engineering | human motion analysis and motion learning | computer models, behavioural experiments, robot experiments |
Lank, Edward | Computer Science | human computer interaction | case studies, behavioral experiments |
Larson, Kate | Computer Science | artificial intelligence, multiagent systems | computer models, mathematical models |
Liebscher, Grit | Germanic and Slavic Studies | verbal and non-verbal human interaction | socio-interactionist analysis, case studies |
Mann, Richard | Computer Science | computational vision | computer models |
O'Neill, Daniela | Psychology | early childhood language and cognition | behavioral experiments |
O'Gorman, Marcel | English | cognitive impacts of technology, attention, cognitive evolution | research/creation, ethnography, behavioural experiments, case studies |
Orchard, Jeff | Computer Science | neural networks | computer models |
Poupart, Pascal | Computer Science | machine learning, multi-agent systems | computer models |
Randall, Neil | English | rhetoric, user interfaces | case studies |
Savarese, John | English | historical cognitive theory, distributed cognition | literary analysis |
Schulze, Mat | Germanic and Slavic Studies | language, including computer assisted language learning | computer assisted language learning |
Scott, Stacey | Systems Design Engineering | human computer interaction | case studies, behavioral experiments |
Spafford, David | Biology | molecular neuroscience | animal experiments, molecular biology |
Thagard, Paul | Philosophy | emotion, decision making, creativity, scientific reasoning | computer models, case studies |
Terry, Michael | Computer Science | human computer interaction | case studies, behavioral experiments |
Tolmie, Sarah | English | premodern cognitive theory, embodiment | literary analysis, research-creation |
Tripp, Bryan | Systems Design Engineering | visual and motor systems of primates | computer models |
Turri, John | Philosophy | social cognition, communication | behavioral experiments |
White, Katherine | Psychology | infant language development | behavioral experiments |
Waterloo This-Idea-Must-Die Day, Dec. 14 ,2015, 1-3:30, AL 208
Waterloo Intelligence Day, 2013: Poster
Waterloo Ignorance Day: What I Wish I Knew About the Mind, Brain, and Intelligence!
Undergraduate minor - calendar information.
Graduate diploma in Cognitive Science
Introduction to Cognitive Science
Contact: email Paul Thagard
This page updated Sept. 9, 2016